
BAY Token Presale Info


Presale Price Tiers

PREMIER: 0.1 FTM per BAY ('TSD' Dao Card Holder) Max 2500 Ftm purchase per Dao Card

DISTINGUISHED: 0.15 FTM per BAY (Moon Masters NFT Holder) Max 500 Ftm purchase per Moon Master Nft

HONORABLE MENTION: 0.25 FTM per BAY (Non holder) No Limit

Holder Snapshot will take place at the conclusion of the Pre-sale Period to determine Holder Discounts.

Based upon price point designated in Pre-sale, there is a set lock period. PREMIER: airdropped over 12 weeks, 8% of purchase for 11 weeks 12% in the final week. DISTINGUISHED: airdropped over 8 weeks, 12% of purchase for 7 weeks and 16% in the final week. HONORABLE MENTION: airdropped 100% week 1 of airdrop schedule.

Any Ftm sent to Presale that extends past your Nft purchasing power will go towards Honorable Mention pricing.

Airdrop Schedule

TSD Treasury will be receiving their full airdrop to supply starting liquidity on Equalizer.

Last updated